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Marco Fragale at the “Salone del Libro” of Torino

Marco Fragale at the “Salone del Libro” of Torino It is ready to be released “Il Borgo del Graal. Leggende, credenze e aneddoti di Gratteri tra fonti scritte e orali” the second volume of the series of books “Gratteri nel cuore” of Marco Fragale, a Sicilian literature teacher. The new book comes from the author’s…

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“Gratteri By Night” is back!

Gratteri By Night: discover Gratteri beneath the stars It is time for the successful nightlife event made in Gratteri to come back: Gratteri By Night! After last year success, the night experiences in Gratteri repeat this year, with many events and numerous unknown places full of history and legends to discover. Soon more details about…

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The fastest way to reach Cefalù from Gratteri

From Gratteri to Cefalù in 25 minutes If you are in Gratteri, do not let you slip away the opportunity to visit the wonderful town of Cefalù which rises a few kilometres away. All it takes is a short drive through the beautiful countryside of the Sicilian hills, a journey also characterised by the incredible…

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Gratteri, the perfect holiday destination

Gratteri, the perfect holiday destination Choosing a summer holiday destination is never easy: among the most classic dilemmas, questions as “sea or mountain?”, “relax or entrainment?” are always present, not to mention the exhausting research for the best price-quality ratio. The town of Gratteri, within the province of Palermo, could be the ideal solution to…

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Why do foreigners choose Gratteri?

Why do foreigners choose Gratteri? More and more tourists are choosing to carefully evaluate every aspect of their holiday before booking. Rather than select a destination on the basis of its popularity, they prefer to first find out about the opportunities the area has to offer, from activities to do to the particularities of local…

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Ancient Greece rediscovered: the archaeological park of Himera

The archaeological park of Himera is located in Buonfornello along the northern coast of Sicily and represents the ancient Greek colony of Himera (today Termini Imerese). The city was founded in 648 B.C. and stood on the banks of the river Imera. For this reason, it was an important political, commercial and cultural centre for…

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