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Pulizia immobili - servizi di pulizie - imprese di pulizie per appartamenti

Real estate cleaning

Real estate cleaning in our structure and in private ones. All our properties are constantly clean and ready to welcome new guests thanks to our services of professional property cleaning services. A highly qualified personnel, provided with all the high tech equipment, will take care about the location we rent, using only high quality products and…

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Guest reception

Guest welcoming with high professionalism We are aware about the importance of a correct managing of the guests’ arrival and departure, and for this reason we offer a welcoming service including check-in and check-out in all our apartments and holiday houses. Our team of professionals is ready to warmly welcome all the guests giving them the…

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Gestione case vacanza - locazione turistica breve in sicilia - portale turismo sicilia - promuovere casa vacanze all'estero - pubblicizzare casa vacanze affittare casa vacanze a stranieri

Managment of the holiday house

Management of holiday house for a service without stress If you desire to rent a holiday house in Gratteri but you don’t know where to start or you don’t have enough time to manage everything alone, our holiday house management service is the right solution for you. Our team of expertise will take care of…

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Pubblicazione avvisi di vendita immobili - immobiliare gratteri - immobiliare cefalu - acquistare casa a gratteri - su cosa investire in sicilia

Publication of notices of property sales

Experts in the real  estate sales Are you looking for an house to buy or rent? Do you want to sell your house but you are not aware of the best channels for the advertisement of your notice? Don’t you worry, we have the right solution for you. Thanks to our portal-window Immobiliare Gratteri…

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Gratteri Holiday offre un ampio servizio di gestione transfer e spostamenti che ti permetterà di goderti la tua vacanza senza pensieri.

Transfer and Online Ticket

Transfer and moving In order to grant our guests a secure and efficient transfer solution, suitable for every need, Gratteri Holiday offers a wide and diversified service of transfer managment, that will allow you to enjoy your vacation from the beginning up to the end without any stress. Thanks to our service of airline ticket booking,…

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